Faculty Executive Council (FEC)
Group Contact: fecmembers@office.unc.edu
Chair Contact: soe_faculty_executive_council_chair@unc.edu
About the Faculty Executive Council
Coordinating the work of the School of Education. FEC will make all decisions and policies except as limited by Faculty Code (e.g., confidential budgetary and personnel decisions) or that which require full faculty votes.
School of Education Policy Manual 2016
Consisting of at least seven 7 members, but no more than 12, excluding non-tenure-line administrators. Comprised of deans (ex officio); FEC chair, elected independently of FEC by general faculty; one faculty member of each rank, elected by their constituents; and program area chairs, appointed by the dean in consultation with program area faculty.
The Dean can appoint an ex officio member from the administration to any committee as deemed necessary. This member will be assigned for communication and information purposes and will not vote. August 1, 2020, the dean appointed Dean’s Fellow for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) at the UNC School of Education (SoE) to serve as an ex officio member of FEC.
FEC chair serves two-years as chair and one-year as chair-elect. Faculty representatives and program area chairs serve three-years.
FEC Meetings: Meet at least three times a semester.
Faculty Meetings: Meet at least twice each semester, and often monthly, during the academic year.
Standing & Ad Hoc Committees
Committees are appointed or elected as determined by FEC. Advisory to the Executive Council and/or the dean (except for committees dealing with restricted personnel matters). Report to FEC at least once a year.
Comprised of representatives from each subunit. The Dean can appoint an ex officio member from the administration to any committee as deemed necessary.