General Information

School of Education students support their enrollment through a variety of means. The type of financial aid you are eligible for will vary depending on the degree you are pursuing, and your background, merit, and financial situation.

The Graduate School has a wealth of resources to introduce you to the process, connect you to funding sources, and connect you to their in-house funding opportunities.

grad_funding Listserv

The Graduate School manages a graduate student funding listserv that routinely sends funding opportunities to members.

For School of Education students

See School of Education Graduate Financial Aid and Funding for information specific to our graduate students.

Financial Aid information is also listed within each program page and, for enrolled students, routinely advertised through student listservs.

On-Campus Hiring

A number of campus offices and centers hire School of Education students. These positions are often only advertised when there is an opening or during a designated hiring period (typically Feb/Mar or over the summer for the following academic year). We recommend you contact these offices for more information. Specific positions have been indicated where appropriate.

Here are some places that our students have been able to secure jobs or funding:

Answer the questions below to filter the list to your needs. If you have any additions to this list or need further information, please contact the Office of Student Affairs.

What type of funding are you looking for?
Research Assistantship
Other Assistantship

Research Assistant for Pathway to Practice NC

UNC School of Education Office of Educator Preparation and Accreditation

Background/Overview of Office/Department:
The Office of Educator Preparation and Accreditation in the UNC School of Education leads unit program assessment and accreditation efforts, supports programs and candidates in licensure-bearing programs, facilitates clinical placements with school partners, and provides data infrastructure support for the UNC School of Education.

The Office leads the UNC implementation of Pathway to Practice NC, a joint, online competency-based program for Residency licensure teachers offered by the UNC School of Education and the NCSU College of Education. Pathway to Practice North Carolina – – is an approved Educator Preparation Program (EPP) for Residency teachers. The program is 100% online and we use Brightspace as our LMS.

Primary Functions of the Position
The EP&A Team seeks current SOE doctoral students to serve as Pathway to Practice NC program facilitators. The research assistant position will support Pathway to Practice teacher/participants during Spring 2025, with possibility for future employment into Summer 2025 and AY 2025-26. We anticipate 1-4 openings across both units, UNC and NCSU.

The RA will be responsible for Pathway to Practice NC program implementation and serving as a facilitator coach to in-service, residency licensure teachers. Activities include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Attending weekly meetings with program director and other facilitators (Zoom conferencing)
  • Facilitating and coaching a load of Pathway to Practice participants (online in the Brightspace LMS)
  • Evaluating participants’ assignments and artifacts and providing individualized feedback (in Brightspace)
  • Editing content in Brightspace as needed
  • Conducting (with director and other facilitators) quarterly orientations for new students
  • Participating in research using Pathway to Practice data, as needed
  • Reporting and analysis of data collected from Pathway to Practice
  • Assisting program director with Pathway to Practice admissions (as needed)
  • Assisting in recruitment efforts for Pathway to Practice (for example, helping with information sessions, as needed)

The position reports jointly to Diana Lys, Ed.D., UNC School of Education assistant dean, and to Pathway to Practice director and campus lead, Alison Winzeler, Ph.D., NC State College of Education alternative licensure director, for weekly tasks.

Required or Preferred Qualifications
Enrollment in UNC School of Education doctoral program required. Preference given to those with experience mentoring/coaching in more than one subject area within Pathway to Practice NC; Elementary (K-6), Special Education-General Curriculum (K-12), English Language Arts (6-12), Comprehensive Social Studies (6-12), Comprehensive Science (9- 12), and Mathematics (6-12).

Competency Development
The Research Assistant hired will develop the following knowledge and skills as part of the assistantship:

  • Develop online instructional skills through the Pathway to Practice platform
  • Utilize technology to inform teaching, learning and assessment
  • Develop understanding of how higher education and P-12 partner in the preparation of future educators.
  • Recognize how networks in organizations play a role in how work gets accomplished.

Employment Term
Research Assistant for Spring 2025, with possibility for future employment into Summer 2025 and AY 2025-26. Specific dates to be added to the hiring contract. To provide a continuity of service to our participants, contracts may be issued year-round, Fall, Spring, and Summer.

20 hours per week. Attending weekly Zoom meetings, work remotely

Stipend, tuition remission, health insurance

  • Stipend: This appointment provides a stipend, which will be paid out monthly over the employment period. Fall and Spring stipend is $11,000 per term. Summer stipends will be based on the semester stipend for 20 hours per week from mid-May through mid-August.
  • Health Insurance: This appointment offers health insurance through the Graduate Student Health Insurance Program (GSHIP) if all eligibility requirements are met. Eligibility for this plan is outlined in the Policy on Graduate Student Health Insurance Program (GSHIP).
  • In-State Tuition Award and Student Fees: The appointment period and stipend level for this appointment meet the eligibility criteria for payment of your in-state tuition costs and student fees. Additional requirements for this benefit are contingent upon enrollment as a full-time graduate student as defined by the Graduate School.

How to Apply
We are currently accepting applications for multiple roles within Pathway to Practice NC. Please note that these positions will be filled at different times throughout the coming months, based on the specific needs of our program. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and candidates may be contacted at different stages of the hiring process depending on the availability of positions. We encourage interested applicants to submit their materials as early as possible to be considered for upcoming opportunities. Apply here.

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is an equal opportunity employer that welcomes all to apply, including protected veterans and individuals with disabilities.

Graduate student teaching assistants (TAs) are needed for IDST 125-001

About the Assistantship

Graduate student teaching assistants (TAs) are needed for IDST 125-001: “The Art and Science of Expertise,” an Ideas, Information, and Inquiry course being offered in Spring 2025 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 12:30-1:45 p.m. The course will be co-taught by Professor Erianne Weight and Professor Jeff Greene.

The purpose of this course is to provide students with a practical framework of expertise development and self-regulation to pursue mastery in their personal passions. Through collaborative discussions and interdisciplinary instructor perspectives and course material, students will gain an understanding of the things that are most important to them, what it takes to become extraordinary in these areas while maintaining their psychological well-being, and a personalized plan to maximize their potential. Topics covered include psychology of motivation and positive functioning, deliberate practice, accountability, competitiveness, leadership, resilience, happiness, flow, and performance measurement.

The TA appointment provides a stipend of $9,000 for the semester, subject to state and federal income taxes. In addition to the stipend, TAs are eligible for an in-state tuition award and coverage of fees. Also, TAs are eligible to enroll in the Graduate Student Health Insurance Plan (GSHIP). This appointment does not guarantee an out-of-state tuition award – these are awarded at the discretion of TA’s home department.

Job responsibilities, which will average up to 20 hours per week throughout the semester, include:

  • Attend training sessions specified by the course and/or instructors.
  • Attend course planning sessions, as determined by lecture instructors.
  • Communicate with instructors and/or the other TAs in a timely manner about any issues or concerns that arise.
  • Attend all lecturers and assist with in-class activities.
  • Proctor exams and photocopy class materials as needed.
  • Grade exams, quizzes, papers, in-class activities, and other assignments and make them available to students within a reasonable time period.
  • Maintain grades and records for all your students and make them available to the lecture instructors as needed.
  • Hold office hours for students, as needed.
  • Respond to student questions in a timely manner, through email and/or other classroom technology platforms (e.g., Canvas).
  • Register online and complete FERPA training, if not previously completed.
  • Remain in good academic standing (see the Graduate School Handbook for eligibility requirements).

Applications are due by 9 a.m. on Monday, November 4, 2024. Applications should include a cover letter (2-page maximum) outlining the applicant’s qualifications and interest in the position as well as a current curriculum vitae and contact information for two references. Questions and applications should be emailed to

The Betty Lou Whitford Scholarship

About the award

Betty Louise “Betty Lou” Whitford (A.B.Ed. ’72, M.A.T. ’76, Ph.D. ’81) established this fund to provide support for graduate students in the School of Education. Betty Lou is Dean and the Wayne T. Smith Distinguished Professor of Auburn University’s College of Education.

Carol and William Malloy Travel Award

About the award

This award was established by Drs. Carol and William Malloy, longtime professors in the School of Education. Awards are made to assist graduate students with travel expenses incurred while sharing their research at education conferences. William Malloy had a 44-year career in education. He taught and mentored graduate students in educational administration and leadership for 15 years.

The late Carol Malloy received her Ph.D. from the School of Education in 1995. She joined the faculty and taught curriculum and foundations courses for graduate students, secondary mathematics methods courses in the M.A.T. program, and mathematics for middle and elementary pre-service students until her retirement in 2009.

The Charles S. Templeton Scholarship

About the award

This Scholarship was established by the late Charles S. Templeton (A.B.Ed. ’34) in memory of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Templeton. Templeton came to Carolina in 1930 from China Grove in Rowan County. After graduating, he taught in Chapel Hill and Durham and earned an M.S.A. at Columbia University. During World War II he was a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army Air Force. After the war his new career as a hospital administrator took him to Florida and Georgia. Along the way his life was full of friends, music, books, Carolina sports, and his large extended family back in North Carolina.

Dixie Lee Spiegel Fund


This fund is used to respond to crisis situations only. Students should connect with the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs if they believe they have a situation that might warrant an award.

About the award

This fund, created to honor the contributions of Dr. Spiegel, is available for graduate students who have emergency financial need.

During her 28-year career, Dixie Spiegel was a professor of literacy studies and served in significant administrative posts, including director of accreditation, director of graduate studies, director of admissions, associate dean for students and senior associate dean. At the University level, Spiegel provided leadership as chair of the Student Health Committee, chair of the Minorities and Disadvantaged Committee, chair of the Disability Subcommittee of Undergraduate Admissions, member of the Graduate School Advisory Board and initiator of a course for learning disabled students on campus.

The James Yadkin Joyner Fellowship in Education Policy

By Nomination


Students must be admitted to the Ph.D. program in Policy, Leadership and School Improvement (PLS) and committed to the study of education policy and research.

How to be considered: Students are nominated by a member of the PLS faculty.

About the award

Established in 2003 by Musette Sprunt Morgan (A.B.Ed. ’76) and Allen Benners Morgan (B.A. ’65), this fellowship honors the legacy of Musette Morgan’s great-grandfather, James Yadkin Joyner, who served as North Carolina’s State Superintendent of Public Education from 1902-1917 and brought sweeping reform and improvement to the state’s system of public education.

Galassi-Brown Award

By Nomination


Students in the School Counseling program.

How to be considered: Recipients are nominated by peers, faculty and public school personnel.

About the award

This award was named for Drs. John P. Galassi and Duane Brown, both full professors in the School of Education who contributed more than 60 years of combined service. Since 1973, both Dr. Galassi and Dr. Brown have led through their research and scholarship. Most importantly, they devoted time and attention to the students of the counseling program and have been stalwart advocates for the profession.

The Galassi-Brown Advocacy Award recognizes the school counseling student who is judged by the faculty to have gone beyond expectations and demonstrated exceptional advocacy for the students they serve, the schools where they work and the school counseling profession.

The George W. Noblit Graduate Scholarship


This scholarship provides awards to doctoral students in the Culture, Curriculum, and Teacher Education program who are pursuing research with a focus on racial equity and/or social justice.

About the award

This fund was established to honor Dr. George Noblit in recognition of his distinguished 39-year career at the School of Education by his wife, Mary A. Longhill and the many students impacted by his teaching and mentorship.

This scholarship endeavors to increase the diversity of the student body and further the interest of traditionally underrepresented groups in graduate education.

Graduate Assistantship for Research in the Teaching and Learning of Reading and Writing


Doctoral student working with a faculty member on a research project that involves the teaching and learning of reading and/or writing.

How to be considered: Faculty working in this area will specify the project on which they are working and outline the need for graduate student assistance.

About the award

This award was established by Anne and Wilson M. Brown III. Anne received her A.B.Ed. in Early Childhood Education in 1974 and Wilson received his A.B. in English the same year.

Guy B. Phillips Fellowship


Students pursuing graduate studies in public school administration.

About the award

This fellowship was established in honor of the late Guy B. Phillips. Dr. Phillips received his B.A. from Carolina in 1913. From 1937 to 1958, he was director of the summer session and dean of the School of Education from 1948 to 1954.

The Guy B. Phillips Scholarship is awarded on the basis of merit and leadership as well as the potential for contributions to public education in North Carolina.

Ira and Esther Gordon Scholarship


Incoming doctoral student who has high academic potential and a strong interest in one or more of the following areas: parents, parent education, at-risk children, family literacy, or child development.

About the award

This scholarship was established by Esther Gordon to honor the work of her late husband, Dr. Ira J. Gordon, former School of Education dean and a Kenan professor. Dr. Gordon was a nationally renowned expert in early childhood and parent education and development.

Linnea W. Smith Innovations Fund


Faculty members or doctoral students whose scholarly work leads to the identification, intervention, and/or prevention of early-life traumatic stress that impacts the development of children in the classroom and strategies that strengthen the partnership between educators and families.

About the award

Established by John (B.A. ’58) and Mary Louise Burress (A.B.Ed. ’58), this fund honors Dr. Linnea Weblemoe Smith (M.D. ’76), a psychiatrist and advocate for exploited women and children. This fund shall be used to support the research seeking solutions for children whose development and education have been hindered as a result of adverse childhood experiences.

Emphasis is on the role of the educational system in increasing the resilience of victimized children and reducing the risk factors for behavioral, academic, and social problems.

Marvin Wyne Memorial Scholarship


Preference is given to doctoral students preparing for work in special education, with a focus in developmental or learning disabilities, who have a strong interest in both teaching and research.

About the award

Named for the late Marvin Wyne, who was a professor of special education at the School of Education for 20 years, this fellowship is awarded annually to a student interested in working with children with special needs.

The Moise A. Khayrallah Innovation Fund


Students who have expressed an interest in developing or building educational products or services.

About the award

This fund was established by Moise A. Khayrallah (Ph.D. ’93) to support students and to support the Master of Arts in Educational Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship (MEITE) program. Uses of the fund include, but are not limited to, the sponsorship of an annual “edtech innovation pitch event” in partnership with Innovate Carolina as well as the funding of one or more fellows to be known as Moise A. Khayrallah Innovation Fellows. These fellows will serve in a year-long internship at the Carolina Center for Excellence in Education supporting learning innovation design.

The Nancy Blanche Norman Scholarship


Students pursuing college degrees in the field of public education.

About the award

This fund, established by the estate planning of Nancy Norman, is used to support students pursuing college degrees in the field of public education. Dr. Norman received her M.A. in elementary education in 1943 and an Ed.D. in administration and supervision in 1965 from UNC. She taught in Wentworth, Draper and Leaksville (now Eden) prior to becoming a principal at Burton Grove School from 1945-1975. She was the first female principal in North Carolina to receive her doctorate in education. During summer vacations she taught at Boston College, UNC, Western Carolina and Duke.

Patrick W. and Janet R. Carlton Award for Dissertation Research in Educational Leadership


Doctoral student working on his or her dissertation in educational leadership

About the award

This award was established by Dr. Patrick Carlton, who received his M.Ed. in Science Education in 1961 and his Ph.D. in Education in 1966. He is a professor and Undergraduate Coordinator of the Masters in Public Administration at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Priddy Family Award


Doctoral student in the Educational Leadership program with a preference for a student who plans to become a school system superintendent.

About the award

The Priddy Family Award was established by current School of Education Alumni Council President Michael D. Priddy (A.B. ’70, M.Ed. ’75, Ed.D. ’81) on the occasion of his mother’s 100th birthday in 2017. The fund honors Dorothy Page Wiggs Priddy and will provide a scholarship to a doctoral student in the Educational Leadership program with a preference for a student who plans to become a school system superintendent.

Samuel M. Holton Graduate Fellowship in Foundations of Education


Doctoral candidates studying the history or philosophy of education.

About the award

This Fellowship was created by Samuel H. Holton, the late professor emeritus of social foundations of education and his late wife, Margaret, in 2000 to help support doctoral candidates studying the history or philosophy of education. Holton served on the faculty of the School of Education from 1948 until his retirement in 1987. He was chair of the social foundations area, supervised the dissertation research of more than 50 doctoral candidates and received several teaching awards.

Susan Friel Graduate Student Stipend for Mathematics Education


Graduate students, with a preference for doctoral students, whose studies are in mathematics education.

About the award

This stipend is awarded to graduate students, with a preference for doctoral students, whose studies are in mathematics education at the School of Education. Priority is given to students who are midway through their program and who could benefit from a stipend to help offset the costs of their education and provide them the financial capability to complete their course of study without having to work. The award is named in honor of Susan Friel, Professor of Mathematics Education at the School of Education.

The Virginia Carter Gobbel Fellowship


Graduate student in educational leadership who wishes to pursue a career in the public schools either as a teacher or administrator.

About the award

The Gobbel Fellowship was established by Ann Gobbel Sullivan (A.B.Ed. ’57) and Noel Sullivan (B.S.B.A. ’56) whose mothers were both teachers. Ann’s mother, Virginia Carter Gobbel, started her career in a one-room schoolhouse near Salisbury, North Carolina. Noel’s mother taught English at Chapel Hill High School.

W.D. Perry Award


Students in the School Counseling program.

How to be considered: Recipients nominated by peers, faculty and public school personnel.

About the award

This award was named for Dr. William D. Perry, a former full professor in the School of Education who provided more than 30 years of leadership. After coming to the UNC-Chapel Hill in 1939, Dr. Perry exerted a major influence in the development both of the counseling program and the Guidance and Testing Center. The Center continued to serve the University for many years after Dr. Perry retired in 1973. The Perry award continues to recognize the student who is judged by the faculty to have demonstrated excellence of achievement in academics, outstanding performance in the counseling field placement coupled with unwavering adherence to ethical and professional standards, and demonstrated student leadership within the program.

The William C. Self Award


Doctoral student in Policy, Leadership and School Improvement.

About the award

William Self (M.A.Ed. ’48, Ed.D. ’56) was dean of the School of Education from 1978 to 1982. He devoted his career to addressing issues of educational equity. Before becoming dean, Self served as superintendent of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School System from 1967 to 1972, leading that system as it implemented racial desegregation policies.

The Barry and Ann Hounshell Fund


Preference given to a graduate student studying science education.

About the award

The Barry and Ann Hounshell Fund was established in 2020 in honor of former School of Education professor Dr. Barry Hounshell and his wife Ann. This scholarship will honor Dr. Hounshell’s work and life in hopes of reminding students and faculty members of the importance of mentoring and developing lifelong commitments to their students in the School of Education.