Room Access

A card swipe has been installed on the outer door of certain rooms in Peabody Hall. Starting Feb. 2, 2022, these doors will be closed and locked at all times. You can access those rooms by tapping your OneCard or through the GET Mobile app. 

Locations requiring OneCard access for entry:

  • G002
  • G010
  • G019
  • G040
  • G040B
  • G044
  • G044A
  • G059
  • G060
  • G070
  • 1070A
  • 2010
  • 2018
  • 2040
  • 2048
  • 2050
  • 2059
  • 3028
  • 3044

Reservation Conflicts
Student Affairs

Technical Support

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Need Help? If you need immediate assistance, please submit a help request via and search for EdIT or Teams message EdIT team member(s). This allows requests for assistance to get to EdIT staff members regardless of their current location.

EdIT does have a support line 919-966-6220 that rings all EdIT members’ office phones. Corresponding tickets are expected within 24 hours for all requests if direct communication is used.