
Panopto is UNC’s centrally-supported video-audio storage and management system. This tool is available all faculty, staff, and students and allows you to capture, edit, and share video and audio content. This tool is integrated with Zoom and serves as the repository for all cloud recordings. Panopto is also integrated with Sakai and allows you to capture and share videos within your Sakai course and project sites.

Accessing This Tool

Website: https://uncch.hosted.panopto.com/

Log in with your ONYEN credentials.

Using This Tool


Getting Started with Panopto at UNC (Training Recording)
Offered 11/18/2020 by Panopto Support

Advanced Training: Student Video in Panopto (Training Recording)
Offered 11/18/2020 by Panopto Support

Making the Most of Panopto (Training Recording)
Offered 12/4/2020 by Panopto Support

Introduction to Teaching with Panopto (Training Recording)
Offered 1/14/2020 by UNC ITS Educational Technologies

Getting Started with Panoptop at the SOE
Offered 12/10/2020

Diving Deeper with Panopto
Offered 1/15/2021

Leveraging the Power of Panopto to Extend Instruction
Offered 12/14/2021

Getting Started with Panopto Video Tutorials

VIEW ALL Panopto Video Tutorials

Panopto: Sharing Zoom Recording through Panopto in Sakai

Web Resources