
GoReact is an interactive cloud-based platform for providing feedback, grading, and critiquing of student video assignments.

  • Instructors create video assignments.
  • Students upload or record their video submissions.
  • Instructors and/or peers then leave time-coded text, video, or audio feedback.
  • Assignments are graded using easily-customized rubrics or points.
  • Reports allow instructors to track and measure student progress.
GoReact Overview Video (2:33)

Accessing This Tool

Licensed access to this tool within the School of Education is currently limited to faculty, instructors, and students in the MAT, UNC-BEST, and Music Education programs.

Website: https://www.goreact.com/

Role-based instructions for accessing this tool can be found below:


Students & Reviewers (Cooperating Teachers, TAs, etc.)

Using This Tool

General tutorials and help information about using GoReact can be found on the GoReact Support website.

Specific role-based information about the use of this tool can be found in the the following portal resources:

GoReact: Instructor Resources

GoReact: Student Resources

GoReact: Reviewer Resources