What is the SOE Student Data Dashboard?

Hosted on the UNC Tableau server, the SOE Student Data Dashboard provides interactive data analytics and visualizations for School of Education application, enrollment and completion data. Enrollment and Completion Dashboards use UNC Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW), which refreshes daily and requires UNC Onyen log in for data security. The Application Dashboard based on local data is scheduled to launch in December 2020.

This dashboard is work in progress as we work to expand data access and cultivate new data sources. We will continue to improve the dashboard based on user feedback and add features and functionality.

How to Use the Dashboard


SOE Student Data Dashboard is available to all current SOE faculty, Staff, and student workers with an active Onyen at this time. Only users with permission can view the dashboard. Once logged in, please feel free to bookmark the landing page for future convenience.

To view from a mobile device, please click SOE Student Data Dashboard Mobile-Friendly Version.

Screenshot of the landing page for the SOE Data Dashboard


Click the navigation buttons or tabs on the top left to view dashboards.  

Screenshot of the navigation options in the SOE Student Data Dashboard

Data Notes and Tips

Hover mouse over the information icon Blue circle with a lowercase white i in the center. and navigation tips. 

Filter and Parameter Settings

Users can interact with the dashboard by selecting filters, values to display, and table/graph types, etc.


Users can download dashboard content in four different formats by selecting the “download” option on the top right corner of any dashboard.

Drill Down to More Details

In crosstab tables, hover mouse over label header on the top left corner, click “+” or “-” symbol to drill up or down to different level of details.  

Revert, Redo, Undo

Users can utilize the gray tool bar at the top left of any dashboard to reset filters. Selecting Revert restores the dashboard to the original layout and selections. Undo will take the user back one-step in their interactions with a dashboard and Redo will restore the undone selection.

Questions and Assistance

This dashboard is created and maintained by the SOE Educator Preparation & Accreditation (EP&A) Team. Please contact Joanne Brosh (soe_edprep@unc.edu) for feedback, questions, or assistance.