
The School of Education role-based groups provide a solution for managing permissions for Office 365 and other campus resources.

Leveraging Groups for Access

Leveraging groups for access should be implemented in a specific way. If you need to grant access to a specific resource using our official role-based groups, please submit a help request.

The current School level resources with access driven by School official role-based groups are:

ResourceAccess Groups
SOE-Resources OneDrive spaceSOE All non-Student Employees; SOE Program Coordinators, Directors, & Area Chairs
EdHub Microsoft TeamSOE All non-Student Employees; SOE Program Coordinators, Directors, & Area Chairs; SOE All Instructors

Group Listings

The majority of the groups are listed here: School of Education Official Communications Groups

Several groups are also maintained for access and/or administrative purposes. If you need to grant access to a group not listed in the link above, please submit a request to EdIT via help.unc.edu to discuss your needs.